The one message God wanted to bring and show us through Jesus was the message of His unconditional love.
A love we can only start to understand.
I got a comment on my post about the yellow ball from a friend who wanted me to describe Gods love closer.
This is a HUGE subject and I'm gonna try to keep it short.
Gods love is best described in by the auther John in the third chapter verse sixteen.
For God so LOVED the world that he gave is ONLY SON to die for all mankind! That whoever believes in Him shall NOT die but have eternal LIFE!!
Lets take a closer look at this verse that many of us have heard so many times before.
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Would you have given your life so Hitler could live? or a pedofile? or a rapist? a murderer? a thief? a bully?... No?.... Anyone?
Jesus Died for us when we where still unrightious. He did not only give His life but went through days of agony and torture!
Here's another point of view.. How many would sacrafice there children? Would you not rather die for your child, take there place so to spare there lives? God gave the purest and most perfect.. His son.
Yes it may be complicated and hard to understand this Love.
William Barclay discribes Gods love very well in his book, The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians," Revised Edition, p 140.
Agape = divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love.
We are loved beyond understanding a love that never ends, never sleeps and beyond all imagination!
My personal experience of Gods love is the most awesome experience ever! To feel completely clean! The Bible says that we are all alike, no one is better or worse then another. ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Gods Love for me is the strongest love I have ever felt. When I take time for my awsome Father I feel so free, like I am ready for anything! No love compares! Not the love from my parents nor lover. The way I love God is also beyond all love! Oh the sorrow if I ever turned from Jesus and left that love!!!
With Gods love I can love myself without having to achieve anything, I can love people I don't even like!
Tell me of one religion where the god shows such love as this! I dare you! Did Buddah come to this earth to die for YOU? Has Allah been tortured to save YOU? Would Shiba be whiped with a nine tail whip and have nails pounded through her many hands so YOU could be free?
Would YOU have gone through it to ensure eternal life????
Jesus did, so we wouldn't have to.. WOW, what a great God we have!!!
The only way you can ever really understand is to allow God to show you! And he has been standing at your door your whole life just waiting to get to know you! I could go on forever trying to explain, but it's kind of like explaining a color to a blind man.
To those who haven't experienced this love, I challenge you to pray this prayer, Trust me, you won't be disapointed! :
1 kommentarer:
Thanks sweetness, that does sheed some light over my question on how you see the love of "God" =)
Keep on roll'n and bring us more of that insight of yours ^^
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