
torsdag 1 januari 2009

My New Year Resolution = No more resolutions!

It's that time of the year, I'm gonna stop smoking, I'm gonna lose wieght, I'm gonna run a marathon... In my case it's always the same one.. I want to do more for you this year Jesus, I want to get to know you more... I'm gonna really try to live for you this year!
And like most new years resolutions the promises fade and the year starts anyway and you haven't changed much at all.
How is it that we think that we can change just because the year does? Who came up with this idea? Or .. is it that we see the chance of becoming new just because the world is?
This year I'm focusing on looking back and seeing the things that really did change in me, not the things I promised last New Years.
The experiences I've had and the choices I've made.
Every day is new but time flys and we seem to forget the unwritten page given to us every single day.
I learned to keep my focus on Christ, even through the storm only then can I walk on top of the water..
I learned to trust in God no matter what and that he takes care of what is his. I will never be alone I will never stand without His devine grace!!!
Worthy is the lamb the God allmighty He who riegns the heavens and the earth..
This day I will bow down and worship Him who all knees shall bow and all tougnes confess to.

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