
torsdag 1 januari 2009

Morning has broken!

"In the morning. O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my request before you and wait in expectation." ~Psalm 5:3

[Expectation = The act or state of expecting or looking forward to an event as about to happen. ~Tennyson.
The prospect of the future; grounds upon which something excellent is expected to happen; prospect of anything good to come.]

This morning the first of the year I started my day by worshiping my awesome Father, reading his word and having a great conversation with him.
I came to the cross and dumped all my guilt, anger and pain before him.. pleading to Him to bless me first and to give me the chance to speak to over 1 million people at one meeting before His return.
Jesus has never let me down or given me false hope before, and this is a promise he has given me, that he will hear my vioce and that all I need to do now is wait. Not only wait but to wait in expectation!! How awesome is that?!
Ever since I was a little girl I have dreamed of being used as a tool of God reaching hundreds of thousends with the words He has given me.
Readers! Please pray for me and see the wonder of God happen - One day you will hear of me and the work God has done. We are all in this spiritual war together! I pray for each and everyone that reads my blog!
So Go to Jesus and ask for your hearts desire and just wait in expectation as God makes it happen!
Embrace His awesomeness!

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