
onsdag 23 december 2009

Santa in the manger

We got a card the other day
A Christmas one, in fact,
But it really was the strangest thing
And showed such little tact.

For laying in the manger
Was Santa, big as life,
Surrounded by some little elves
And Rudolph and his wife.

There was so much excitement
That the shepherd’s saw the glow
Of Rudolph’s bright and shining nose
Reflected on the snow.

So in they rushed to see him
Followed by the wise men three,
Who came not bearing any gifts—
Just some stockings and a tree.

They gathered round about him
To sing praises to his name;
A song about Saint Nicholas
And how he came to fame.

Then they handed him the lists they’d made
Of, oh, so many toys
That they were sure they would receive
For being such good boys.

And sure enough he chuckled,
While reaching in his bag,
And placed in all their outstretched hands
A gift that bore a tag.

And on that tag was printed
A simple verse that read,
“Even though it’s Jesus’ birthday,
Please take this gift instead.”

Then I realized they really did
Know Who this day was for
Though by every indication
They had just chosen to ignore.

And Jesus looked upon this scene,
His eyes so filled with pain—
They said this year’d be different
But they’d forgotten Him again.

--Barb Cash

måndag 9 mars 2009

If you need help, ask God. If you don't need help, thank God!

Psalm 91
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."

3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
and from the deadly pestilence.

4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,

6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.

8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.

9 If you make the Most High your dwelling—
even the LORD, who is my refuge-

10 then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.

11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;

12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation."

What more needs to be said? This is a promis from our Lord and God. The one who never fails us. Read this verse over and over.

Even when we feel like nothing can help us and dangers stand at our front door. God knows and is protecting us. There is no need for fear!

Thank you Awsome Father!

For creating me fearfully and wonderfully!

For protecting me and fighting for me so I need not!

You are truely a great God!


torsdag 19 februari 2009

In Loving Memory of Misha

View this montage created at One True Media
In loving memory of Misha

Click the picture it's a link to her montage!

I watch her sleep, she's chasing something... She wags her tail.
A sound stirs her and she's awake. Her tail doesn't wag anymore, her body is heavy.
In her dreams she sees, she's on the chase, she plays.
Once awake, reality strikes and she sees nothing. It hurts to see it everytime she wakes the disappointment in her face.
She doesn't sigh, she only stares forward wishing to see.

It's time to go for a walk.
I carry her down the steps and outside, I place her on the grass. She stares.
After a while she walks forward a couple steps, does what she needs to do and stares again. She is stiff as if she's waiting for something unexpected to happen.
She walks around for a bit and sometimes she even seems happy, but then she stops. She stares.. again.
I carry her up to the apartment and place her on the couch.

It's dinner time, I carry her to her bowl. She won't come when I call anymore.

It hurts so much! My happy puppy is now a depressed shell of a dog.

I hope she knows how much she has meant to me, how many lives she has changed!
She had more love to give then any dog I have ever known and I had the honor of having her in my life as my best friend.
She will forever remain in my heart as my best friend, my partner, my best dog.

My final and most loving gift to her, is to let her go..

Rest in peace my beautiful girl.
I Love you! I always will and I will take with me the many things you have taught me through your short life. I grew up with you, and in many ways because of you.
The only words that can explain what I feel are:
Thank you..

Good bye.

Misha Kissemaja Svefors
1 Oct 1998 - 20 Feb 2009

måndag 9 februari 2009

Dear you,

I am God, you do not understand.
Your knees will bow and your tongue will confess, yes even you!
You may have taken me for granted on earth but in the life after you will not.
In my heaven everything is perfect, see nothing can be imperfect in front of your God!
Even your faith will be perfect!
There will be no more questions to how awesome I am. All doubts will fade.
Here my spirit lives with no obstacles.
I have chosen you from before your birth,.. before your creation! I want to spend eternity with you!


lördag 7 februari 2009

Pick me, pick me!!

Tonight is a magic night! My church is having there anual vision ball!

Dress nice, dine nice.. jupp.. Tonights the night I dress up in a tight dress and get served food that I can't eat to much of because the dress is too tight... But I will be beautiful :)

I will add pics, because I have to show off a little.. The dress I will be wearing is the dress that I wore the very first vision ball. Nine years ago!! I was 15 years old.... And the dress still fits!!!!!

I'm so happy :)

So I'm just stopping by with a quick Aha moment that I had the other day.

Tuesday night I was in church and we had an awesome meeting, the air was filled with antisipation, people singing there hearts out to God with the worship team jumping on stage!

I raised my hands to my Father and sung Halleluja. On doing so I started to think, why? I have so many times reached for the heavens with my hands during prayer or worship.. but... why?

Are my hands reaching for higher blessings or just a symbol of grabbing on to God?

Then it hit me.

I've done this before! I used to use my hands in a simular way just a couple of years ago! Not only simular but exactly like that...

When I was in school I would raise my hand if I new the answer!

Today I certianly know the answer! The answer is Jesus Christ, and I am going to raise my hands and show Him that I know!

God bless your socks off gang!!

Hope all of you have an awesome weekend!

Don't forget that you know the answer to everything!!

torsdag 5 februari 2009

Reply to Jonathan.. Gods Love.

The one message God wanted to bring and show us through Jesus was the message of His unconditional love.
A love we can only start to understand.
I got a comment on my post about the yellow ball from a friend who wanted me to describe Gods love closer.
This is a HUGE subject and I'm gonna try to keep it short.

Gods love is best described in by the auther John in the third chapter verse sixteen.

For God so LOVED the world that he gave is ONLY SON to die for all mankind! That whoever believes in Him shall NOT die but have eternal LIFE!!

Lets take a closer look at this verse that many of us have heard so many times before.
You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Would you have given your life so Hitler could live? or a pedofile? or a rapist? a murderer? a thief? a bully?... No?.... Anyone?
Jesus Died for us when we where still unrightious. He did not only give His life but went through days of agony and torture!

Here's another point of view.. How many would sacrafice there children? Would you not rather die for your child, take there place so to spare there lives? God gave the purest and most perfect.. His son.

Yes it may be complicated and hard to understand this Love.
William Barclay discribes Gods love very well in his book, The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians," Revised Edition, p 140.

"The real meaning of agape is unconquerable benevolence. If we regard a person with agape, it means that nothing that he can do will make us seek anything but his highest good. Though he injure us and insult us, we will never feel anything but kindness towards him. That quite clearly means that this Christian love is not an emotional thing. This agape is a thing, not only of the emotions but also of the will. It is the ability to retain unconquerable good will to the unlovely and the unlovable, towards those who do not love us, and even towards those whom we do not like. Agape is that quality of mind and heart which compels a Christian never to feel any bitterness, never to feel any desire for revenge, but always to seek the highest good of every man no matter what he may be."

Agape = divine, unconditional, self-sacrificing, active, volitional, and thoughtful love.

We are loved beyond understanding a love that never ends, never sleeps and beyond all imagination!

My personal experience of Gods love is the most awesome experience ever! To feel completely clean! The Bible says that we are all alike, no one is better or worse then another. ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Gods Love for me is the strongest love I have ever felt. When I take time for my awsome Father I feel so free, like I am ready for anything! No love compares! Not the love from my parents nor lover. The way I love God is also beyond all love! Oh the sorrow if I ever turned from Jesus and left that love!!!
With Gods love I can love myself without having to achieve anything, I can love people I don't even like!
Tell me of one religion where the god shows such love as this! I dare you! Did Buddah come to this earth to die for YOU? Has Allah been tortured to save YOU? Would Shiba be whiped with a nine tail whip and have nails pounded through her many hands so YOU could be free?
Would YOU have gone through it to ensure eternal life????

Jesus did, so we wouldn't have to.. WOW, what a great God we have!!!

The only way you can ever really understand is to allow God to show you! And he has been standing at your door your whole life just waiting to get to know you! I could go on forever trying to explain, but it's kind of like explaining a color to a blind man.
To those who haven't experienced this love, I challenge you to pray this prayer, Trust me, you won't be disapointed! :

I know I am a sinner.
Thank you for dying on the cross for me!
I accept that you are God!
Come into my life and change me to be the best that I can be!
I want to experience Your awesome love!
Thank You!



A worldchanger is someone who is committed to do just that,
changing the world.

A worldchanger is not someone who blends in. A worldchanger sticks out! A Worldchanger stands up ready to make a difference.

A worldchanger goes beyond the usual expectations of Christianity.
A worldchanger finds the most intense demands that Jesus places on Christians and doesn't shy away but goes after them passionately and does whatever it takes to get the job done!
He/she is not just doing it because his/her parents make them or because the youth pastor bribes them.

A worldchanger has been radically, completely, and totally changed by a relationship with God! Christianity is not some boring thing that a person halfheartedly commits tojust because they have been in church their whole lives. You are not hanging on to your parents Christianity.

A worldchanger had found Jesus for them-- not just for mom and dad or just for the pastor.
And because Jesus died for them, they are ready to give their lives for him.
Christianity..... is not just lip service.

Worldchangers have a fervor to seek God with all of their hearts, and to do everything they can to let the world know that God is real and that he is alive!

Worldchangers are not stuck in a bunch of boring rules and regulations,but they have the fire of the living God burning inside them! And they just can't keep it inside of them.

Worldchangers are serious about learning the word of God and then taking that word and applying it to their lives.

Worldchangers are constantly changing andbecoming more and more like Jesus.

Worldchangers develop a vision for their community and do everything they canto take the living Christ to a lost and dying world! Worldchangers are sick and tired of a watered down, namby-pamby Christianity.!

They want the real thing and don't care how hard it hits them or what parts of their lives they have to change. They are sick and tired of the attitude that lukewarm Christians bring into the church, and they are ready to do something about it! They are especially ready to attack attitudes in their own lives!

A Worldchanger loves the Lord with all of his/her heart, soul, mind, andstrength and loves his neighbor as himself.


Today I am leaving the old me behind and looking forward to my future by living write now for my Awesome Jesus Christ!!
I know how hard and how damanding we can be on ourselves.
I should read my bible more often... I should pray more.. I should tell more of my friends about my faith... I should better myself... I shouldn't swear... I shouldn't.... I should... If I did this or that more often...
I challenge you today to give this minut to God! Make a discission to be still and know that He is God! If you can handle this minut make it 2 or 3.
Give what you got and remember Jesus loves the joyfull giver, so whatever you give with joy in your heart is enough.

Jesus Created you because He thought you were so very awesoem that He wanted to get to know you!
Today I

torsdag 22 januari 2009

The yellow ball..

It's so simple, as a child's toy.

All parents know the trap of Christmas gifts and birthday presents. The list is long and often expensive. Christmas morning all the gifts are nicely wrapped and under the tree.
A couple hours later the presents are unwrapped and all the toys are in a pile. The expensive gift is the one that is played with and all the others are left for another day. But that remote control car or talking dolly will soon break or the batteries die.

But that one toy you bought for 99 cents just to fill out the list.. the ball.. is the one that will hold the longest.

The ball - so underestimated.

One of the most simple toys a child can have and yet one that brings so much joy and play.
We have no big expectations for the ball, it rolls, it bounces. We are content with that.

The smile it brings to a young child. It isn't scary, it is a trusted toy.

Although this ball sometimes knocks vases over when kicked inside or crashes through a window when playing soccer we still love this toy.
Children and adults alike. Boys grow up into football or soccer players, from high-school ball to collage scholarships. The ball follows, to something that might even become a career.

So simple, yet such a big part in our lives.It exist only for the purpose of bringing happiness.
Just as simple as a bright yellow ball is, so is our existence on earth, there is no anxiety in the ball it doesn't have to preform or achieve anything. It is still loved.

We were not created to do good or be examples. We were not created to help others or to find a cure for cancer. There is no complex reason for our being it is very simple.
We were created because God loved us and wanted to love us. It doesn't matter how much you give or how good of a person you are. It doesn't matter if you have alot or a little. It doesn't matter if you achieve great things in your life or don't achieve anything.

We see our lives as a remote control car or Ipod or something other complex, when all that matters and the only reason for our existence is the fact that God loved us.

In our standards we decide that if it doesn't cost us anything it's not worth anything.

Remember that God paid the ultimate price for us, He gave His son.

We don't have children because it's easier to live.
Children cost money and time and effort.. sleepless nights, school projects, worry.. the list goes on and on.

So why do we have children? - Because we love them.

Just as simple as a bright yellow ball.

fredag 9 januari 2009

Where is your focus?

When Jesus walked on water, Peter climbed out of the boat to meet Him.

Matthew 14 14:29

He said, "Come ahead."


But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, "Master, save me!"


Jesus didn't hesitate. He reached down and grabbed his hand. Then he said, "Faint-heart, what got into you?"


The Message Bible

Accidents, sickness, theft, endless unemployment, money or lack of it, unfairness!... Lack of love, restlessness, problems in the family, no family, problem with friends, no friends, bullshit, anguish, depression..!

It seems like as soon as a problem is solved a new one takes its place, and often it's even worse then the one before.

Everybody's talking about problems.. It's in the music and in the movies, TV shows.. everywhere.

The pop idol Pink sings about family problems and taking pills, Curt Cobain wants to die and later fulfills his own death wish.

We've got pills to help us sleep and pills to keep us awake. At the same time these pills are used as something to do to spice up a party.

This is not the fate of only those who don't have Christ in there lives, we all know this from experience. Accually one of the most frequent promises Jesus gave His disciples was...

In this world you will have trouble.” John 16:33

Even our own christian music artists clothe our anguish in melodies. Mac Powell from Third Day sings - ”When You are lonely and it feels like the whole world is falling on you.”

We as christians have someone to turn to though, which we also do and especially in these situations. We comfort ourselves in verses like Isa 40:29. ”He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the week”. But at the same time that we turn to Christ we have a question.. Jesus.. Why?

Why haven't you solved my problems? Why did this happen in the first place?

Then we've got the quiet non rebeling typ that says - "God must have a reason for all this."

But our focus is still on the problem, still on the "storm".

If we keep our focus on the storm we, just like Peter, are going to sink. The storm will take over.

When Peter climbed out of that boat it wasn't calm seas, if you read a couple verses back - Matt 14:24 By this time the boat was in the middle of the sea and was being battered by the waves, because the wind was against them.

So the sea is roaring especialy for Peter that was right in the middle of it. When he gets out of that boat he has a complete faith in that Jesus will take care of him. So what happened?

Instead of focusing on Jesus, he starts focusing on the problems around him, he focused on the storm and he starts to sink. When he then calls out to Jesus to save him - Jesus didn't calm the storm so Peter could swim back to the boat. No, Jesus grabs ahold of him and asks.. "What got into you?!"

When I felt like my whole world was dark from depts and problems that I just couldn't handle anymore, I cried out to Jesus and asked - Jesus! I have had faith in you, why haven't you helped me yet?

His answer to me was - Aleczandra, Focus on ME and I will teach you to walk on top of the storm.

At that moment I understood what Jesus meant by what He said to Peter. It's not about us living a problem free life, or a life where God just calms the storm so we can swim back to shore. We are always gonna have problems, BUT if we focus on Jesus instead of the problem, we will learn to walk on top of the storm.

torsdag 8 januari 2009

Jesus, Santa and Tom Cruise

Who is the real deal?

Well we can remove Tom Cruise imediatly.. He lost it years ago.

But the fact is I'm starting to wonder how many have confused Jesus with joly old St: Nick?!

I know so many who only come to God in times of need or want.

Help my sick friend.

Help me get this appartment.

Help me get an A on the test.

Help me get a raise at work.

God has promised to be there for us in every situation, but I don't think he meant that we should treat him like Santa Clause..

So many even think that if we are good we can go to heaven... Free pass for those on the "nice" list.

While pondering over this a thought hit me.. Is it maybe so that Santa was created in a fake image of our awsome God?

Was he created to bring children to believe in a character that judges our doings and sentences us to good or bad. With the power to be everywhere in the world at the same time. He sees you when your sleeping he knows when your awake - remind you of somebòdy?

One of the most important beings in many childrens lives. Then one day it's all over..

WHAT? Santas not real!! He's make believe?! Only little kids believe in Santa!

Your too old to believe in someone that sees you when your sleeping and knows when your awake.. someone who can be everywhere at the same time, someone who accually has the right to judge our actions. You've grown out of such nonscence....

Harmless people say, it's just something for the kids...

How very easy we make it for satan. Is no one seeing the conection here?

Interesting isn't it?

We create an image of a god for for our children then tell them he does not exist they grow up and the new image is of The real deal Jesus Christ, He doesn't want cookies and milk... He just wants to know us, befriend us... How are we supposed to earn our keep in heaven if not through cookies and milk?! When will this story figure disapear and aply to our better knowledge..

Childish beliefs...

And if we do descide to believe, we act like we're writing a letter to the nick of the north... Dear Jesus, I would like ... job, raise, puppy......

He's just a new figure with a lap to sit on.

So to conclude this. How about we dump the Clause and flying deer and start teaching our children about the real reason for the season...

lördag 3 januari 2009

No Fear!

When something is important to me I nag, I will repeat this important message until my face is blue if thats what it takes.
The world around me says that I shouldn't nag and that nagging is anoying. They say that naging destroys relationships and degrades you. How many movies do you hear them talking about nag nag nag from the wife or the husband in some cases or whatever. They never seem to wonder if there might be a reason behind the irritating noise.. I hate to nag and I deeply believe that noone likes it. But as I mentioned earlier if it's important enough I will keep repeating myself till the info is understood and dealt with. Wether I'm right or wrong the situation needs a discussion.
In the Bible there is a couple things God mentions more then once..
But the one thing that is mentioned more then any other is three words. Three words that are so very important it is mentioned 365 times, once for every day in a year. And you know that when God says something so many times He means it!


Don't believe me.. take a look see..

First John 4:18 tells us, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

God knows that we are not perfect, not one of us. So he added 364 more times in the bible that we should not fear!

God does not punish! I don't care what you've heard in sunday school, because it's just not right.

We do things and our actions have consequenses yes. But the only punishment mentioned in the Bible is that the "wages" (punishment) of sin is death (hell).. But do not fear!! The verse continues saying ... But the gift of God is eternal life!

When Jesus said it is finished on the cross He meant it. The new testiment proclaims our savior that made the world new! God does not curse, He does not punish .. But he does give us many chances to test our faith in Him. When we walk through difficulties in life He waits patiantly for us to grab on to Him so He can show us His awesomeness!

Everybody needs to feel acknowledgement from time to time and we are created in His image. He needs to know that we are still with Him, and also so we can get confirmation on our faith in Him. But He will never leave us nor forsake us! He will never give us more then we can handle!

He gives us so many reasons not to fear and yet He still gives us 365 verses saying that He's got everything covered!

Now that is an awesome God!

Thank You Jesus!

For knowing us so well and preparing for our needs!

Thank You for giving us a gift of fearlessness, knowing that in You there is no fear!

Knowing that in you we are taken care of and that you have already provided for our every need. That You love showing us that You love us!

You are an awesome Father and a great God.

No Fear!!!



torsdag 1 januari 2009

Morning has broken!

"In the morning. O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my request before you and wait in expectation." ~Psalm 5:3

[Expectation = The act or state of expecting or looking forward to an event as about to happen. ~Tennyson.
The prospect of the future; grounds upon which something excellent is expected to happen; prospect of anything good to come.]

This morning the first of the year I started my day by worshiping my awesome Father, reading his word and having a great conversation with him.
I came to the cross and dumped all my guilt, anger and pain before him.. pleading to Him to bless me first and to give me the chance to speak to over 1 million people at one meeting before His return.
Jesus has never let me down or given me false hope before, and this is a promise he has given me, that he will hear my vioce and that all I need to do now is wait. Not only wait but to wait in expectation!! How awesome is that?!
Ever since I was a little girl I have dreamed of being used as a tool of God reaching hundreds of thousends with the words He has given me.
Readers! Please pray for me and see the wonder of God happen - One day you will hear of me and the work God has done. We are all in this spiritual war together! I pray for each and everyone that reads my blog!
So Go to Jesus and ask for your hearts desire and just wait in expectation as God makes it happen!
Embrace His awesomeness!

My New Year Resolution = No more resolutions!

It's that time of the year, I'm gonna stop smoking, I'm gonna lose wieght, I'm gonna run a marathon... In my case it's always the same one.. I want to do more for you this year Jesus, I want to get to know you more... I'm gonna really try to live for you this year!
And like most new years resolutions the promises fade and the year starts anyway and you haven't changed much at all.
How is it that we think that we can change just because the year does? Who came up with this idea? Or .. is it that we see the chance of becoming new just because the world is?
This year I'm focusing on looking back and seeing the things that really did change in me, not the things I promised last New Years.
The experiences I've had and the choices I've made.
Every day is new but time flys and we seem to forget the unwritten page given to us every single day.
I learned to keep my focus on Christ, even through the storm only then can I walk on top of the water..
I learned to trust in God no matter what and that he takes care of what is his. I will never be alone I will never stand without His devine grace!!!
Worthy is the lamb the God allmighty He who riegns the heavens and the earth..
This day I will bow down and worship Him who all knees shall bow and all tougnes confess to.